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Customer Service And Corporate Social Responsibility

Customer Service Corporate Social Responsibility of The Comcast Corporation Patrick Naughton Bridgewater State University Author Note This paper was prepared for COMM 226 Introduction to Public Relations fall 2015 Customer Service Corporate Social Responsibility of The Comcast Corporation Introduction Customer Service Corporate Social Responsibility Social responsibility is a belief that one has both, the moral and ethical responsibility to base decisions based off of the effect which it will have on society. This means that as human beings it is our responsibility, better yet our obligation to work in coordination with one another in efforts to better the planet’s well-being as well as our company’s. Corporate†¦show more content†¦The corporation’s current CEO, Brian Roberts, took his position as president in 1990 while his father and co-founder, Ralph Roberts, stayed on as both, chief executive and chairman of the company. They have expanded over the past two decades through acquiring other, smaller media and broadcasting companies. The largest acquisition being the purchase of ATT’s cable provisions in 2001 for an immense $45 billion becoming America’s largest cable provider at the time. To date, The Comcast Corporation remains the largest broadcasting company in the industry with a n estimated 30 million subscribers and a net worth of nearly $148 billion. The Comcast Corporation’s Customer Service Company Perceptions Xfinity’s customer care is confident in their customer service guarantee which appears promising. (Xfinity, 2015) The guarantee wants you to be amazed with the choices Comcast offers, excited by the innovation we provide and satisfied with the service and reliability of every interaction. Interestingly enough, the guarantee wants these things yet does not officially guarantee them. After sifting through all of the rhetoric, the entire statement only really guaranteed one thing - a 30-day money-back guarantee which claims that if you wish to cancel for any reason you can do so in the first 30 days and get your money back. return all equipment in good working order and we’ll refund theShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service And Corporate Social Responsibility1444 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Customer Service Corporate Social Responsibility Social responsibility is a belief that one has both, the moral and ethical responsibility to base decisions based off of the effect which it will have on society. This means that as human beings it is our responsibility, better yet our obligation to work in coordination with one another in efforts to better the planet’s well-being as well as our company’s. Corporate social responsibility adheres to the same policy, only in a corporate environmentRead MoreThe Importance Of Corporate Social Responsibility Development1196 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction Recent decades have witnessed the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility development in business landscapeï ¼Å'which is defined as be responsibility to all corporation activities with environment sustainable. Whether a small enterprise or a multinational company, CSR is an integral part of company to promote brand imageï ¼Å'enhance social harmony. And it also become a standard of company working measurement. Internallyï ¼Å'the CSR activities give staff respect and welfare, and forRead MoreTypes Of Corporate Social Responsibility1539 Words   |  7 Pagescompany provided a good or service to a consumer it received a profit in return. Owning a business has developed into a greater thing then the cut and dry definition previously mentioned. Society’s desires have changed with the times, and it burdens businesses to accept more social responsibility for the cost of doing business. In order for a business to continue to be successful in this rapidly changing business world it must accept the changes of corporate social responsibility. One of the most significantRead MoreArguments for and Against Corporate Social Responsibility1004 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is corporate social responsibility? Give arguments for and against social responsibility? Ans. Social Responsibility Social responsibility can be defined as: â€Å"A business’s obligation to follow goals that are good for both organization and society in the long-term, and are not required by law.† Corporate Social Responsibility The term corporate social responsibility came in to common use in the early 1970s. It means the duty of an organization towards society in order to prove itselfRead MoreThe Conception Of Corporate Social Responsibility1236 Words   |  5 PagesSocial responsibility is the accountability of companies for the contacts of its results along with actions on civilization and the surroundings, through crystal clear and ethical performance with the purpose of gives to continue progress together with the strength and the benefit of people. The truth so as to the expressions itself has tainted above this point also recommends that the significance qualified to perception for example, corporate social responsibility will maintain to progress inRead MoreSocial Responsibility Of Marketing : Does It Work?1640 Words   |  7 Pages Social Responsibility in Marketing: Does It Work? Amita Bajwa, Paulette Brown, Eric Burke, Sheron Curtis-Stokes, Raychale Dukeman, Jon Reed Kennesaw State University – Ruby C68 May 21, 2017 Socially responsible marketing is a marketing philosophy where a business considers what is in the best interest of society in the present and long term (DeWitt Dahlin, 2009). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not new to businessRead MoreThe Social Performance Of Apple Incorporation And The Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On The Multinational Business Organization987 Words   |  4 Pagesstrategies that have enhanced the social performance in the society. Corporate social responsibility plays a fundamental role in improving the relationship between a business and the local community (Taylor, 2010). Social performance of a business can ensure that it builds the good reputation among the customers thus improving the sales of the firm. This paper examines the social performance of Apple incorporation and the impact of corporate social responsibility on the multinational business organizationRead MoreThe Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Organizational Stabi lity999 Words   |  4 Pages Part 2: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Stability (cite friedman We have talked about some benefits that Cadbury Schweppes brings to local suppliers in Ghana, and their responsibilities towards the environment and towards stakeholders in general. In this part, we are going to define the corporate social responsibility based on the course material we learned, talk about the impact itRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : A Company s Responsibility Essay1737 Words   |  7 Pages LITERATURE REVIEW Corporate Social Responsibility can be defined as a company’s responsibility to ensure ethical business behavior, contribution to the economic development of a country, improve the lifestyle of its own workforce and their family members, betterment of local community and overall society. It is some small amount of cost done by the company which effect can’t be seen in the present but in long term it promotes positive image for the company. Successful CSR program can take a companyRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibilities : Carroll s Pyramid1422 Words   |  6 PagesModel 1. Carroll’s Pyramid Carroll (1991) organized different corporate social responsibilities as a four-layered pyramid model and called it the pyramid of responsibilities. The four different responsibilities - economical, legal, ethical and philanthropic are the layers of the pyramid. Corporate social responsibility involves the conduct of a business so that it is economically profitable, law abiding, ethical and socially supportive. To be socially responsible then means that profitability and Customer Service And Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction Customer Service Corporate Social Responsibility Social responsibility is a belief that one has both, the moral and ethical responsibility to base decisions based off of the effect which it will have on society. This means that as human beings it is our responsibility, better yet our obligation to work in coordination with one another in efforts to better the planet’s well-being as well as our company’s. Corporate social responsibility adheres to the same policy, only in a corporate environment. This means that every corporation has the innate ability to make decisions that affect our vitality as a whole when applying those decisions in business. Businesses must be aware of the effect on the community and the environment†¦show more content†¦The largest acquisition being the purchase of ATT’s cable provisions in 2001 for an immense $45 billion becoming America’s largest cable provider at the time. To date, The Comcast Corporation remains the largest broadcasting company in the industry with an e stimated 30 million subscribers and a net worth of nearly $148 billion. The Comcast Corporation’s Customer Service Company Perceptions Xfinity’s customer care is confident in their customer service guarantee which seems promising. (Xfinity, 2015) The guarantee wants consumers to be amazed with the choices Comcast offers, excited by the innovation they provide and satisfied with the service and reliability of every interaction. Interestingly, the guarantee stresses that the corporation wants these things yet does not officially guarantee them. It is understandable that one cannot completely guarantee amazement, excitement, and satisfaction, however, under those premises, the clauses should be omitted from the guarantee seeing as they are not official. (Xfinity,2015) Of everything written, the entire statement only really guaranteed one thing - a 30-day money-back guarantee which claims that if anyone wishes to cancel for any reason, they can do so in the first 30 days and get their money back. All anyone has to do is return the equipment in good working order and Comcast will refund the monthly recurring fee f or the first 30 daysShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service And Corporate Social Responsibility1448 Words   |  6 Pages Customer Service Corporate Social Responsibility of The Comcast Corporation Patrick Naughton Bridgewater State University Author Note This paper was prepared for COMM 226 Introduction to Public Relations fall 2015 Customer Service Corporate Social Responsibility of The Comcast Corporation Introduction Customer Service Corporate Social Responsibility Social responsibility is a belief that one has both, the moral and ethical responsibility to base decisions based off of theRead MoreThe Importance Of Corporate Social Responsibility Development1196 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction Recent decades have witnessed the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility development in business landscapeï ¼Å'which is defined as be responsibility to all corporation activities with environment sustainable. Whether a small enterprise or a multinational company, CSR is an integral part of company to promote brand imageï ¼Å'enhance social harmony. And it also become a standard of company working measurement. Internallyï ¼Å'the CSR activities give staff respect and welfare, and forRead MoreTypes Of Corporate Social Responsibility1539 Words   |  7 Pagescompany provided a good or service to a consumer it received a profit in return. Owning a business has developed into a greater thing then the cut and dry definition previously mentioned. Society’s desires have changed with the times, and it burdens businesses to accept more social responsibility for the cost of doing business. In order for a business to continue to be successful in this rapidly changing business world it must accept the changes of corporate social responsibility. One of the most significantRead MoreArguments for and Against Corporate Social Responsibility1004 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is corporate social responsibility? Give arguments for and against social responsibility? Ans. Social Responsibility Social responsibility can be defined as: â€Å"A business’s obligation to follow goals that are good for both organization and society in the long-term, and are not required by law.† Corporate Social Responsibility The term corporate social responsibility came in to common use in the early 1970s. It means the duty of an organization towards society in order to prove itselfRead MoreThe Conception Of Corporate Social Responsibility1236 Words   |  5 PagesSocial responsibility is the accountability of companies for the contacts of its results along with actions on civilization and the surroundings, through crystal clear and ethical performance with the purpose of gives to continue progress together with the strength and the benefit of people. The truth so as to the expressions itself has tainted above this point also recommends that the significance qualified to perception for example, corporate social responsibility will maintain to progress inRead MoreSocial Responsibility Of Marketing : Does It Work?1640 Words   |  7 Pages Social Responsibility in Marketing: Does It Work? Amita Bajwa, Paulette Brown, Eric Burke, Sheron Curtis-Stokes, Raychale Dukeman, Jon Reed Kennesaw State University – Ruby C68 May 21, 2017 Socially responsible marketing is a marketing philosophy where a business considers what is in the best interest of society in the present and long term (DeWitt Dahlin, 2009). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not new to businessRead MoreThe Social Performance Of Apple Incorporation And The Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On The Multinational Business Organization987 Words   |  4 Pagesstrategies that have enhanced the social performance in the society. Corporate social responsibility plays a fundamental role in improving the relationship between a business and the local community (Taylor, 2010). Social performance of a business can ensure that it builds the good reputation among the customers thus improving the sales of the firm. This paper examines the social performance of Apple incorporation and the impact of corporate social responsibility on the multinational business organizationRead MoreThe Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Organizational Stabi lity999 Words   |  4 Pages Part 2: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Stability (cite friedman We have talked about some benefits that Cadbury Schweppes brings to local suppliers in Ghana, and their responsibilities towards the environment and towards stakeholders in general. In this part, we are going to define the corporate social responsibility based on the course material we learned, talk about the impact itRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : A Company s Responsibility Essay1737 Words   |  7 Pages LITERATURE REVIEW Corporate Social Responsibility can be defined as a company’s responsibility to ensure ethical business behavior, contribution to the economic development of a country, improve the lifestyle of its own workforce and their family members, betterment of local community and overall society. It is some small amount of cost done by the company which effect can’t be seen in the present but in long term it promotes positive image for the company. Successful CSR program can take a companyRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibilities : Carroll s Pyramid1422 Words   |  6 PagesModel 1. Carroll’s Pyramid Carroll (1991) organized different corporate social responsibilities as a four-layered pyramid model and called it the pyramid of responsibilities. The four different responsibilities - economical, legal, ethical and philanthropic are the layers of the pyramid. Corporate social responsibility involves the conduct of a business so that it is economically profitable, law abiding, ethical and socially supportive. To be socially responsible then means that profitability and

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